wj1022163 发表于 2016-12-28 20:12:29


yoshi 发表于 2016-12-29 11:33:45


birde521 发表于 2016-12-29 11:35:22


warcraftii 发表于 2016-12-29 21:55:06

/script function getlan(target) return UnitMana(target) end
/script function fjn(spell) CastSpellByName(spell) end
/script function print(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
/script function sdot(dotname,spellname) local f = false for i=1,40,1 do a,b,c = UnitDebuff("target",i) if a and strfind(a,dotname) then f = true break end end if not f then fjn(spellname) end end
/script sdot("Ability_Gouge","撕裂")
/script if getlan("player") >= 30 then fjn("英勇打击") end/script function getlan(target) return UnitMana(target) end
/script function fjn(spell) CastSpellByName(spell) end
/script function print(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
/script function sdot(dotname,spellname) local f = false for i=1,40,1 do a,b,c = UnitDebuff("target",i) if a and strfind(a,dotname) then f = true break end end if not f then fjn(spellname) end end
/script sdot("Ability_Gouge","撕裂")
/script if getlan("player") >= 30 then fjn("英勇打击") end/script function getlan(target) return UnitMana(target) end
/script function fjn(spell) CastSpellByName(spell) end
/script function print(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
/script function sdot(dotname,spellname) local f = false for i=1,40,1 do a,b,c = UnitDebuff("target",i) if a and strfind(a,dotname) then f = true break end end if not f then fjn(spellname) end end
/script sdot("Ability_Gouge","撕裂")
/script if getlan("player") >= 30 then fjn("英勇打击") end/script function getlan(target) return UnitMana(target) end
/script function fjn(spell) CastSpellByName(spell) end
/script function print(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
/script function sdot(dotname,spellname) local f = false for i=1,40,1 do a,b,c = UnitDebuff("target",i) if a and strfind(a,dotname) then f = true break end end if not f then fjn(spellname) end end
/script sdot("Ability_Gouge","撕裂")
/script if getlan("player") >= 30 then fjn("英勇打击") end

warcraftii 发表于 2016-12-29 22:10:21

/script function getlan(target) return UnitMana(target) end
/script function fjn(spell) CastSpellByName(spell) end
/script function print(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
/script function sdot(dotname,spellname) local f = false for i=1,40,1 do a,b,c = UnitDebuff("target",i) if a and strfind(a,dotname) then f = true break end end if not f then fjn(spellname) end end
/script sdot("Ability_Gouge","撕裂")
/script if getlan("player") >= 30 then fjn("英勇打击") end/script function getlan(target) return UnitMana(target) end
/script function fjn(spell) CastSpellByName(spell) end
/script function print(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
/script function sdot(dotname,spellname) local f = false for i=1,40,1 do a,b,c = UnitDebuff("target",i) if a and strfind(a,dotname) then f = true break end end if not f then fjn(spellname) end end
/script sdot("Ability_Gouge","撕裂")
/script if getlan("player") >= 30 then fjn("英勇打击") end

x33677180 发表于 2016-12-30 00:14:55


qianyeyIng 发表于 2016-12-30 01:19:46


qianyeyIng 发表于 2016-12-30 01:22:00


qianyeyIng 发表于 2016-12-30 04:48:53


qianyeyIng 发表于 2016-12-30 04:51:23

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