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[收录] 他人即地狱:刘慈欣的《黑暗森林》

发表于 2015-8-13 20:14:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:mahat 转载请注明出处

Hell is Other People: The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu



Niall Alexander

The thing is, theyre going to take four hundred years to get here. But when they do? Were toast, folks.


The assembly fell into a prolonged silence. Ahead of them stretched the leaden road of time, terminating somewhere in the?
mists of the future, where all they could see were flickering flames and the lustre of blood. The brevity of a human?
lifespan tormented them as never before, and their hearts soared above the vault of time to join with their descendants and?
plunge into blood and fire in the icy cold of space, the eventual meeting place for the souls of all soldiers.


In this way, a great wave of defeatism sweeps the people, not least because they know that nothing they do now will have the slightest impact on the Trisolarans. The present-day generations only potential legacy is laying out the groundwork for humanity to develop in centuries ahead. Today, the knowledge base just isnt there, nor indeed will it ever equal the quantum technology bolstering the Trisolarans far superior force. Thats because of the sophons: a mass of microscopic particles which interfere in certain experiments, establishing an energy-based barrier beyond which scientists simply cannot cross. We havent hit it yet, but we will, one day. And then? Well, itll be The End, my friends.


And thats not all the sophons are good for—or bad for, depending upon your perspective. They cant quite read minds, but everything else is an open book to them, and in turn to the extraterrestrials who seeded these beings here. "The sophons can understand human language, and they can read printed texts and information on every kind of computer storage media at ultra-high speeds." So we cant count on keeping any secrets, either.


To make matters worse, even in the face of imminent extinction, "the unity of the human race is still a distant dream." In our frustration and our desperation, we turn on one another. Precious time is wasted. Wars are fought. Lives are spent like so many cents. Humanity becomes lost in a dark forest, in short—until a distant light is lit.


So long as we do not communicate with the outside world, every individual keeps things secret forever from the sophons. This?
is the basis of the Wallfacer Project.


As the last, best hope for humanitys survival, hes a markedly more active and interesting main man than Wang Miao was in The Three-Body Problem. Additionally, Luo Ji is a figure mired in mystery, in that he doesnt have a clue what he has to offer the Wallfacer Project—nor indeed do we. All we have to work with is what we see: a woebegone wastrel and womaniser who once upon a time had a conversation about cosmic sociology.


The significance of this subject is certain, since said conversation is related to readers—albeit by way of a passing ant—in The Dark Forest‘s sublimely surreal prologue, yet the ways in which Luo Ji could conceivably use cosmic sociology to save the day, or at least delay it, remain a mystery until the novels equally alien and similarly satisfying finale.


In the interim, the plot is powerfully punctuated by the systematic unravelling of the plans the other Wallfacers make at the hands of their Wallbreakers: the dedicated members of a cell of terrorists sympathetic to the extinction event ahead. The threat they represent—to Tyler, Diaz and Hines, to be sure, but also to the whole of humanity—generates a relentless tension that keeps The Dark Forest on target even when its author dives deep for the fifteenth time into the psychology of a people without secrets.


Phenomenal as it was, The Three-Body Problem got a couple of things wrong—mistakes Im over the moon to state The Dark Forest does not make. That said, the elegance and otherness of its setting struck me as simply exceptional then, and it continues to impress in book two, which doubles down on that striking sensawunda by taking place in two discrete periods. The first is fine, if fairly familiar, but the second—which I refuse to ruin—is as astonishing as the interstellar ark of Neal Stephensons Seveneves and the intelligent generation ship of Kim Stanley Robinsons Aurora—evidence of the embarrassment of riches science fiction has seen recently, which The Dark Forest definitely numbers among.


It has its faults, for sure: the poetry of Lius prose sometimes verges on the verbose; a great deal of the dialogue he describes is simply insipid; the narratives secondary characters are at best forgettable; and the first quarter of the novel is nearly impenetrable. But this is a big picture to behold: bolstered as it is by a complex protagonist, an engrossing, high-stakes story and a truly transcendent setting, The Dark Forest is by every measure a better book than The Three-Body Problem—and The Three-Body Problem was awesome.


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