


热搜: YJWOW MagicStone BoL
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[wowbee] 叁月大佬的冰DK的脚本,求改进

发表于 2024-4-17 16:54:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[Lua] 纯文本查看 复制代码
local Tbl = BeeUnitBuffList("target")
local buff = BeeUnitBuffList("player")
local A = BeeRune("冰霜符文")>0
local B = BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0
local C = (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>18 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>18)
local D = BeeRune("死亡符文")>0
local E = BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0
local F = (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>0 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>0)
local H = (BeeRune("冰霜符文")<1 and BeeRune("邪恶符文")<1)
local shoutao = "勇猛的天灾苦痛护手"
local yaoshui = "加速药水(永久)"
local L = BeeRune("鲜血符文")
local M = BeeRuneId("鲜血符文")
BeeRun("/console Sound_EnableSFX 0 ")

if BeeCastSpellFast() then  return true  end

------------------准备上BUFF 换红脸
if not IsMounted("player") and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") and not BeeStringFind("鲜血灵气",buff) then BeeRun("鲜血灵气") end

if not IsMounted("player") and BeeUnitAffectingCombat() and BeePlayerBuffTime("寒冬号角")<0 then BeeRun("寒冬号角") end

if (A or D) and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")<=0 then BeeRun("冰冷触摸") end
if (B or D) and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")<=0 then BeeRun("暗影打击") end

if F and (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")-1.6<0 or BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")-1.6<0) then BeeRun("传染");return ;end
if H and BeeRuneCount(M)==1 and L==1 then  BeeRun("传染") end

----铜墙铁壁 情况一(冰邪CD,血2个都好)
if F and H and L==2  and BeeSpellCD("活力分流")==0 then BeeRun("/cast 活力分流");return ;end
----铜墙铁壁 情况尔(冰邪CD,血2个CD)
if F and H and L==0 and BeeRuneCount(M)==2 and BeeSpellCD("活力分流")==0 then BeeRun("/cast 活力分流");return ;end
if F and H and D and BeeRuneCount(M)==1 and BeeStringFind("活力分流",buff) and BeeSpellCD("铜墙铁壁")==0 then BeeRun("/cast 铜墙铁壁");return;end
if BeeStringFind("活力分流",buff) and BeeStringFind("铜墙铁壁",buff) and BeePlayerBuffTime("铜墙铁壁")<5 then BeeRun("/cancelaura 活力分流","player") end
if BeeStringFind("活力分流",buff) and BeeStringFind("铜墙铁壁",buff) and BeePlayerBuffTime("铜墙铁壁")>15 and L==0 and BeeRuneCount(M)==1 then BeeRun("/cancelaura 活力分流","player") end

----按shitf 开始AOE,凛风好了就用
if F and BeeIsRun("凛风冲击") and IsLeftAltKeyDown() and (BeeSpellCD("凛风冲击")==0 or BeePlayerBuffTime("冰冻之雾")>0) then BeeRun("凛风冲击") end
if  ((A and B) or BeeRune("死亡符文")==2) and F and BeeIsRun("湮没") then BeeRun("湮没");return;end
if E then BeeRun("鲜血打击") end
if not (A and B and D and E) and  F and BeePlayerBuffTime("战斗之鼓")<0 then
    BeeRun("/cast  <无限>泰坦之鼓","player")
if not (A and B and D and E) and  F and BeeIsRun("冰霜打击") then BeeRun("冰霜打击") end
if not (A and B and D and E) and  F and BeeIsRun("凛风冲击") and BeePlayerBuffTime("冰冻之雾")>0 then BeeRun("凛风冲击") end
if not (A and B and D and E) and  F and not BeeIsRun("冰霜打击") and  not BeeIsRun("凛风冲击") and BeeSpellCD("寒冬号角")==0 then BeeRun("寒冬号角") end
if BeeUnitMana("player")>45 and IsSpellInRange("凋零缠绕")==1 and BeeRange("target")>15 then BeeRun("凋零缠绕") end
if BeeUnitMana("player")>20 and BeeIsRun("符文打击") then BeeRun("符文打击") end




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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-19 10:24:16 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-19 14:01:40 | 显示全部楼层
if H and BeeRuneCount(M)==1 and L==1 then  BeeRun("传染") end
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-19 14:03:53 | 显示全部楼层
if H and BeeRuneCount(M)==1 and L==1 then  BeeRun("传染") end

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-23 09:06:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-23 09:18:59 | 显示全部楼层
hcjun123 发表于 2024-4-23 09:06 AM


回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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