


热搜: YJWOW MagicStone BoL
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发布共享 3.35狂暴战 打断 解除定身 保命 的脚本

发表于 2022-4-24 20:34:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[Lua] 纯文本查看 复制代码
local Tbl = BeeUnitBuffList("target")
local buff = BeeUnitBuffList("player")
local time , Castingtime= BeeUnitCastSpellTime("target")
local name = BeeUnitName("target")
BeeRun("/console Sound_EnableSFX 0 ")
if not IsMounted("player") and BeeUnitAffectingCombat() and (BeeStringFind("死亡之愿",buff) or BeeStringFind("狂暴之怒",buff))  and BeeUnitHealth("player","%")<40 and BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and BeeSpellCoolDown("狂怒回复")==0 and not BeeStringFind("进食",buff) and not BeeStringFind("饮水",buff) and not BeeStringFind(" 格拉库的肉松蛋糕",buff)   then
    BeeRun("/cast 狂怒回复")
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="强能暗影箭"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="幽灵冲击"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="暗影箭雨"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="疫病冲击"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="寒冰箭雨" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="黑暗治疗" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="骨雨" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="冰川冲击" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="暗影之幕" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="魔能火球" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="地狱烈焰"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="强效治疗术"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="妖术治愈"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="圣光术"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="变形术"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="快速治疗"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="变形" and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="圣光闪现"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="治疗波"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="次级治疗波"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="星火术"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="精神控制"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="冲击新星"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="愈合"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="滋养"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="暗影突击"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
if  BeeUnitMana("player","%")>=15 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and  BeeRange("target")<=6 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")  and BeeSpellCoolDown("拳击")==0 and  BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")=="治疗链"  and Castingtime - time >0 and time >0.3  then    BeeRun("/cast 拳击")   return end
BeeRun("/console Sound_EnableSFX 1 ")

有什么想问的 或者其它不明白的 随时可以留言 我极尽所能回复


使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-4-25 00:19:22 | 显示全部楼层
[Lua] 纯文本查看 复制代码
local nq = BeeUnitMana()
local time , Castingtime= BeeUnitCastSpellTime(Unit);
if BeeGetShapeshiftFormInfo(3) and nq>=10 and  Castingtime - time >0.3 and time >0.3 and BeeIsRun("拳击","target") then
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-4-25 15:07:22 | 显示全部楼层
robertkof 发表于 2022-4-25 12:19 AM
local nq = BeeUnitMana()
local time , Castingtime= BeeUnitCastSpellTi ...

这个我有  但是打算留着CD打断比较关键的魔法  所以自己写了这么一大串 哈哈哈  很实用哦
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-5-13 14:51:42 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-6-19 12:55:56 | 显示全部楼层
新人不会导入  可以发个 可以直接导入的 吗?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-8-26 17:58:01 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢 分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-9-5 13:09:48 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-9-22 17:31:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-10-12 17:25:02 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-4-11 19:59:44 | 显示全部楼层
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